Sunday, April 13, 2014

[News] 2PM Jun.K-Park Jeong Hyun, Sang National Anthem in LA K-POP Concert, ‘Take photo together’

Boy group 2PM member, Jun.K and Park Jeong Hyun sang national anthem together in LA K-POP FESTIVAL and took a photo.

Jun.K posted a picture with comment, saying, “We sang national anthem together in LA K-POP FESTIVAL” in his twitter in April 13 morning.

In the released photo, Jun.K wearing good-looking suit and Park Jeong Hyun, were looking at the camera with big smile. Jun.K was holding a microphone and she was making ‘V’ with her fingers.

Netizens are reacting to the picture saying, “I’d love to hear the national anthem singing together”, “Their voices will be well-matched”, “Hope to have a wonderful festival” and so on.

LA K-POP FESTIVALwill be broadcasted in KBS1 ‘Open Concert’ in April 27.


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